A draft law has been submitted to the Turkish Parliament on 17 February 2020 (the "Draft Law") which proposes amendments to several laws regarding, amongst others, renewable energy, mining, criminal offences, civil registry services (nüfus hizmetleri), individual pension system, foundations and associations. While the Draft Law covers a variety of subjects, there are three notable amendments to the renewable energy legislation:
- Price ceiling for YEKA Projects (Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynak Alanı) will be freely determined in Turkish Lira by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources,
- Renewable energy resource area annotations on title deed registries will be automatically removed unless necessary expropriation actions are taken within three years of such annotation, and
- Energy Market Regulatory Authority will issue a new regulation regarding use of excess revenue generated from (i) YEKDEM mechanism, and (ii) implementation of various tariffs to the consumers utilizing renewable energy sources, to support the development of renewable energy sector.
The discussions on the Draft Law have begun at the Turkish Parliament on 25 February 2020 and the Draft Law is expected to be enacted prior to upcoming renewable energy tenders.
Please refer to this link for the full text of the Draft Law (which is only available in Turkish) and the reasoning submitted to the Planning and Budgeting Commission of the Turkish Parliament.